Website Link: Housekeeping Services
Bids List | |||||||
S.No | Bid Number | Bidder Name | Submitted Date | Status | Remarks | Status Updated On | |
1 | 2798359 | A 1 SECURITY SERVICES AND A 1 FACILITY SERVICES | 14-Apr-2023 11:14 AM | Rejected-Technical | As per the technical evaluation report | 13-May-2023 12:38 PM | |
2 | 2800771 | arcoma | 18-Apr-2023 10:00 PM | Rejected-Technical | As per the technical evaluation report | 13-May-2023 12:38 PM | |
3 | 2797106 | BHARAT SECURITY AGENCY | 11-Apr-2023 06:27 PM | Rejected-Technical | As per the technical evaluation report | 13-May-2023 12:38 PM | |
4 | 2799667 | Clifford Facility Services Pvt.Ltd | 19-Apr-2023 02:56 PM | Rejected-Technical | As per the technical evaluation report | 13-May-2023 12:38 PM | |
5 | 2799048 | Comet Enterprises | 19-Apr-2023 02:23 PM | Rejected-Finance | Bidder has quoted the service charge lower than the 3.85 percantage as prescribed by the Ministry of the Finance Department of Expenditure | 26-May-2023 12:12 PM | |
6 | 2801167 | Corporate Housekeeping SErvices (India) Private Limited | 19-Apr-2023 01:58 PM | Rejected-Finance | Bidder has quoted the service charge lower than the 3.85 percantage as prescribed by the Ministry of the Finance Department of Expenditure | 26-May-2023 12:12 PM | |
7 | 2800992 | CREANTUM SECURITY SOLUTIONS PRIVATE LIMITED | 19-Apr-2023 11:35 AM | Rejected-AOC | Not L1 | 26-May-2023 12:18 PM | |
8 | 2799968 | DSS INTEGRATED FACILITY SERVICES | 19-Apr-2023 02:03 PM | Rejected-Technical | As per the technical evaluation report | 13-May-2023 12:38 PM | |
9 | 2800616 | EVEREST FACILITY MGMT. PVT. LTD. | 18-Apr-2023 05:36 PM | Rejected-Technical | As per the technical evaluation report | 13-May-2023 12:38 PM | |
10 | 2797696 | GDX Facility and Management Services Private Limite | 19-Apr-2023 02:55 PM | Rejected-Technical | As per the technical evaluation report | 13-May-2023 12:38 PM | |
11 | 2799836 | HOT LIPS | 17-Apr-2023 04:08 PM | Rejected-Technical | As per the technical evaluation report | 13-May-2023 12:38 PM | |
12 | 2798610 | House Keeping & Allied Services | 14-Apr-2023 04:11 PM | Rejected-Technical | As per the technical evaluation report | 13-May-2023 12:38 PM | |
13 | 2801085 | JYOTI TRADERS | 19-Apr-2023 01:26 PM | Rejected-Technical | As per the technical evaluation report | 13-May-2023 12:38 PM | |
14 | 2795452 | LIMITLESS SECURITY & FACILITY MANAGEMENT PRIVATE LIMITED | 19-Apr-2023 09:44 AM | Rejected-Technical | As per the technical evaluation report | 13-May-2023 12:38 PM | |
15 | 2793201 | METAS SECURITY AND FIRE SERVICES PVT LTD | 17-Apr-2023 05:28 PM | Rejected-Technical | As per the technical evaluation report | 13-May-2023 12:38 PM | |
16 | 2801203 | M/s Bright Heaven | 19-Apr-2023 02:39 PM | Rejected-Technical | As per the technical evaluation report | 13-May-2023 12:38 PM | |
17 | 2795214 | N K SECURITIES | 08-Apr-2023 12:39 PM | Rejected-Technical | As per the technical evaluation report | 13-May-2023 12:38 PM | |
18 | 2797655 | Oriental Integrated Facility Management Pvt Ltd | 12-Apr-2023 03:44 PM | Rejected-Finance | Bidder has quoted the service charge lower than the 3.85 percantage as prescribed by the Ministry of the Finance Department of Expenditure | 26-May-2023 12:12 PM | |
19 | 2798213 | Pankaj Security Service | 13-Apr-2023 04:42 PM | Rejected-Technical | As per the technical evaluation report | 13-May-2023 12:38 PM | |
20 | 2799477 | PATLE CONTRACTORS | 17-Apr-2023 11:14 AM | Rejected-AOC | Not L1 | 26-May-2023 12:18 PM | |
21 | 2798529 | Prakash Security Service and workers Contractor | 19-Apr-2023 09:40 AM | Rejected-Technical | As per the technical evaluation report | 13-May-2023 12:38 PM | |
22 | 2800951 | Quess Corp Limited | 19-Apr-2023 02:17 PM | Rejected-AOC | Not L1 | 26-May-2023 12:18 PM | |
23 | 2801168 | RAVUS Security and Housekeeping Agency | 19-Apr-2023 02:38 PM | Rejected-Technical | As per the technical evaluation report | 13-May-2023 12:38 PM | |
24 | 2800557 | Reynold security service | 18-Apr-2023 04:10 PM | Rejected-Technical | As per the technical evaluation report | 13-May-2023 12:38 PM | |
25 | 2800357 | Royal India Securitaus | 18-Apr-2023 01:46 PM | Rejected-Technical | As per the technical evaluation report | 13-May-2023 12:38 PM | |
26 | 2801108 | Service Master CLean Ltd | 19-Apr-2023 01:32 PM | Accepted-AOC | Being L1 Bidder | 26-May-2023 12:18 PM | |
27 | 2798467 | Squad 7 Security and Allied Services | 14-Apr-2023 05:02 PM | Rejected-Technical | As per the technical evaluation report | 13-May-2023 12:38 PM |