Aquarium Material×Insecticides×Pesticide×Pest Control×



supply of 1 clathrina 2 cliona (boring sponge) 3 (a) commercial sponge (b) chondrilla 4 cup sponge 5 elephant ear sponge 6 euplectella* (venus flower basket) japan 7 euspongia 8 grantia usa 9 hipposponge 10 horny sponge 11 hyalonema* 12 leucosolenia usa 13 olynthus 14 oscarella 15 pectinspongilla 16 scypha (imported) 17 spongilla (f. water) 18 sycon usa 19 sycon indian 20 chalina (finger sponge) 21 bougainvilla 22 companularia 23 hydractenia (on shell) 24 hydra (large) 25 hydra medusae 26 millepora 27 obelia colony 28 obelia medusae 29 physalia 30 plumularia colony 31 porpita 32 sertularia colony 33 vellella 34 collection of hydrozoa-set of 6 important species beautiful set 35 alcyonium palmatum 36 cavernularia 37 cerianthus (rare) 38 metridium usa 39 pennatula (japan) 40 sea-anemones ts and ls showing mesenteries 41 sea-anemone on hermit carb 42 virgularia (sea pen) 43 collection of anthozoa a set of 6 important species 44 acropora 45 astrangea 46 brain coral meandrina 47 favia coral 48 millipora coral 49 tubipora musica 50 zoanthus 51 (a) collection of corals-set of 6 52 jelly fish 53 rhizostoma 54 beore (japan) 55 ctenoplana (red sea) 56 pleurobrachia 57 fish fluke 58 planaria marine large 59 tape worm 60 (a) taenia saginata 61 (b) taenia moniezia 62 (c) taenia dyphylidium 63 tape worm l.h. 64 collection of platyhelminthes set of 5 selected species 65 ascaris male and female 66 ancylostoma uk 67 (a) dracunculus 68 (a) entrobius 69 filaria (waucheria) 70 guinea worm 71 loa micro filaria 72 oxyuris 73 sand dwelling nematode 74 thread worm 75 trichinella spiralis male female with cyst 76 trichuras 77 vermicularia 78 collection of namathelminthes set of 5 selected species 79 aphrodite large size 80 amphitrite rare 81 arenicola uk* 82 chaetopterus usa large* 83 earthworm copulating 84 eurythoe 85 eunice (mexico) 86 glossiphonia (mexico) 87 lumbricus usa* 88 nereis and heteronereis in same jar 89 polynoe uk 90 pantobdella usa* 91 sabella 92 terebella 93 bonelia female 94 bonellia male* 95 albunea 96 alima larva 97 astacus 98 cypris 99 cray-fish (imported) 100 daphnia 101 eupagurus 102 gammarus 103 hermit crab with shell 104 hermit crab without shell 105 hippa 106 land crab 107 lobster 108 lepas colony 109 mysis 110 penaeus (marine prawn) 111 sacculina with host 112 squilla 113 shrimp 114 thenus (cray fish) 115 ant 116 aphid 117 butterfly pupa 118 butterfly caterpillar 119 cicada male 120 cicada female 121 cricket 122 dragon fly adult 123 forficula (earwig) 124 gryllus 125 gerris (water strider) 126 lac insects 127 lepisma (silver fish) 128 locust 129 mosquito anopheles 130 moth 131 nepa water scorpion 132 ranatra 133 schistocerca 134 termite queen 135 termite soldier 136 termite winged 137 termite worker 138 aulocophora faviolis (red p. beetle) 139 dacus cucurbitae (pumpkin fruit fly) 140 epilachna (hadda beetle) 141 callosotruchus meculatus (p. beetle) 142 sitophilus oryzae(r. weevil) 143 rhizopertha dominica (lesser g. beetle) 144 dytiscus (diving beetle) 145 nepa (w.s) 146 ranatra (w.s.i) 147 pys-dercus cingulatus (r.c. bug) 148 aphid (syphocoryne) (m. pest) 149 buthus 150 ixodus 151 tick 152 whip scorpion 153 peripatus capensis* (newzealand) large 2 to 3 154 pil millipede 155 aplysia (sea hare) 156 ariophanta 157 arca 158 bulla 159 cardium 160 cyprea 161 conus 162 dentalium 163 haliotis 164 helix 165 limnea 166 limax 167 mya shell 168 murex shell dry 169 nautilus shell mini size 170 oliva shell 171 ostrea with animal 172 pearloyster 173 pecton 174 patella 175 sepia shell 176 solen 177 teredo animal only 178 turbo shell 179 unio 180 astropecten 181 brittle star 182 cucumeria 183 clypeaster 184 echinodiscus 185 heart urchin (echinocardium) 186 heart urchin (lovenia) 187 holothuria 188 ophiothrix 189 ophiura rare (jawa) 190 ophioderma 191 sea cucumber 192 sea urchin 193 ammocoetes large usa 194 ascidian simple 195 ascidian compound 196 botryllus usa 197 bellostoma (hag fish usa) 198 ciona (ascidian) 199 molgula 200 myxine glutionosa 201 petroymzone 202 saccoglossus in acrylic case 203 amphisile (transparent) 204 anabas (perch) 205 anguilla 206 astrape 207 amia calva (bow fish) usa* 208 belone (garpike) 209 barbus 210 centaiscus (glass fish) 211 chiloscyllium 212 cirrahina 213 acipencer usa 214 clarius (cat fish) 215 channa 216 chimera large usa* 217 cynoglossus 218 diodon (porcupine fish) 219 echineis (sucker fish) 220 eel anguila 221 fistularia (flute fish) 222 flat fish (cynoglossus) 223 harpodon (bombay duck) 224 heteropneustus 225 pleuronectus 226 lepidosteus large usa* 227 lepidosiren (lungfish)* 228 mackerel fish 229 mystus 230 mylobatus (eagle ray) 231 narcine (electric ray) 232 neo-ceratodus (australia)* 233 ophiocephalus 234 ostracoin (coffer fish) 235 polpyterus (lobe fish large)* 236 pterois (scorpion fish) 237 rhinobatus (skate) 238 scoliodon 239 sea horse in acrylic case 240 sphyraena 241 stegostoma tigr shark 242 fish lh 243 sturgeon usa* 244 sting ray (tragon) 245 synaptura 246 synganathus (pipe fish) 247 trichogaster 248 tetradon (globe fish) 249 torpedo (electric ray) 250 wallago 251 zygaena (hammer headed) 252 solea 253 amphiuma usa 254 ambystoma usa 255 axolol large 6 usa 256 alytes obsertericans 257 bufo marinus (brazil) 258 caecilion 259 caccopus 260 ichthlophis large excellent 261 necturus usa 262 mid wife toad with eggs 263 proteus anguls usa 264 proteus anguls excellent sp 265 siren large usa 266 salamander tiger 267 ureotyphlus 268 xenopus 269 agkistorodon (model) 270 coral snake model 271 crotophytus model 272 draco-model (burma) 273 phrynosoma replica 274 armdillio model 275 bat micro chiropters 276 oppossum baby replica 277 dolphin replica 278 echidna usa model 279 flying fox model 280 guinea pig model 281 kangaroo model/ replica 282 kangaroo with baby model/replica 283 oppossum model / replica 284 pangolin embryo model/ replica 285 sheep embryo 286 rabbit embryo 287 amphibia l.h 288 cockroach l.h 289 houseflyl.h. 290 silk moth l.h 291 honey bee l.h. 292 culex mosquitol.h. 293 anopheles mosquitol.h 294 fish l.h 295 tapeworm l.h 296 aquarium (imported) with top. 297 wild life animals portraitsregular 31 x 43 cms. 298 deluxe 37x49 cms. 299 super 47x62 cms.

    baramulla,Jammu and Kashmir
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  • Last Date:
    07 Sep 2021
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